Find out which cars we use

We have a numer of different Cars that we teach Driving Lessons in Ilford with. All the Cars that we have are all up to date and are compliant with driving tests taken in the U.K. The Cars are owned by our Driving Instructor's and maintained by them. Did you know when presenting a car for your Driving Test in Ilford, you must have certain compliance like internal mirror for the Examiner, seats working correctly and mot test done. Certain vehicles can't be presented at tests and tyres and other mechanical things should be in good working order.

It is not always possible for your choice of car for Driving Lessons in Ilford, as those cars may be booked up. But we will do our very best to get you a similar size car or make if requested by you. Although its good to know that all of our Driving School cars in Ilford are fairly small and easy to take Driving Lessons in Ilford with.


All our driving lessons in Ilford are conducted with Dual Controlled Cars for your safety

All our driving instructoion cars are fitted with dual controls for you safety. These pedals are activated from the driving instructors side to stop the car in an emergency.